Overexpression of the Mmp inhibitor Timp or Mmp RNAi suppresses invasiveness of rasV12, scrib−/− tumors but does not interfere with tumor growth. Fluorescent microscopy of eye/antennal/brain complexes (8 days AEL) (A–C) and live 9-day-old larvae (D, F), carrying GFP-marked clones of the indicated genotypes shows that suppression of Mmp function by Timp expression or RNAi does not interfere with the growth of malignant eye disc tissue. The extent of clonal overgrowth in rasV12, scrib−/−, timp eye/antennal discs (B) and of rasV12, scrib−/− discs expressing Mmp1 and Mmp2 RNAi (C) exceeds that of the entire rasV12, scrib−/− eye/antennal/brain complex (A). (D–G′) Examination of dissected eye/antennal/brain complexes (8 days AEL) by confocal microscopy reveals no invasive clonal tissue in the VNC (arrows) in the rasV12, scrib−/−, timp genotype (G′) as opposed to rasV12, scrib−/− (E′). The clones are marked with GFP (green), the actin cytoskeleton is visualized using phalloidin staining (white) and Elav marks differentiated neurons (red). The arrows and arrowheads indicate VNC and brain optic lobes, respectively. Images C, C′ and G, G′ represent projections of multiple confocal sections. Scale bars=50 μm.