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. 2006 Jun 15;3(3):A76.

Table 1.

Access to Supermarkets and Fast Food Restaurants by Racial Distribution and Level of Poverty Among 220 Census Tracts, St Louis, Mo

Racial Composition and Poverty Level Total Population No. of Census Tracts No. of Supermarkets No. of Supermarkets in Highest Tertilea No. of Fast Food Restaurants No. of Fast Food Restaurants in Highest Tertilea
All census tracts sampled 904,110 220 81 26 355 120
<10% of population lives in poverty 392,062 84 36 19 170 72
≥75% white 344,066 72 30 17 123 50
≥75% African American 0 0 0 0 0 0
Mixed 47,996 12 6 2 47 22
10%–19.9% of population lives in poverty 251,040 53 28 6 102 25
≥75% white 76,535 18 10 4 43 13
≥75% African American 74,082 13 11 0 15 1
Mixed 100,423 22 7 2 44 11
≥20% of population lives in poverty 261,008 83 10 0 28 3
≥75% white 6,646 2 1 1 0 0
≥75% African American 130,872 47 10 0 28 3
Mixed 123,490 34 6 0 55 20

Each restaurant and supermarket was assigned a rating of high, medium, or low potential for meeting dietary intake recommendations as established by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (27).