FIG. 4.
Developmentally regulated genes are preferentially affected in the brains of top2βΔ2/Δ2 embryos. (A) Comparison of developmentally regulated genes during normal mouse brain development (E14.5 to E16.5 [2β+]) and differentially expressed genes in the brains of mutant embryos (E16.5 [2β− versus 2β+]). The developmentally regulated genes (E14.5 to E16.5 [2β+]) are defined as those that are differentially expressed in the brain of the wild-type E16.5 embryo compared to that of the E14.5 embryo. The log10(intensityE16.5/intensityE14.5) value (y axis; intensity ratio [E16.5/E14.5]) was plotted against the log10[(intensityE14.5 + intensityE16.5)/2] value (x axis; average intensity) for each probe set. The total number of probe sets that are differentially expressed during this period of development is 314 (intensity ratios ≥ 1.7 [either the intensity E16.5/intensityE14.5 or intensityE14.5/intensityE16.5 ratio] and P ≤ 0.01). The differentially expressed probe sets in the brain of the E16.5 top2βΔ2/Δ2 mutant embryo are shown to the right (also see similar plot shown in Fig. 2B). (B) Venn diagram representation of the number of overlapping genes between developmentally regulated genes (E14.5 to E16.5 [2β+]) and differentially expressed genes (E16.5 [2β− versus 2β+]).