Histological analysis of thymi from mice lacking ShcA expression or expressing transgene-encoded mutant ShcA proteins. (A) Defective thymic architecture in ShcFFF- and ShcA-deficient mice. Thymi from control, ShcWT, ShcF317, ShcFF239/240, ShcFFF, and shcfl/fl mice (in the lck-Cre background) were analyzed by hematoxylin and eosin staining of frozen sections. Cortex (C) and medulla (M) are indicated for the control thymus. Medullary structure is difficult to discern in the ShcFFF and shcfl/fl thymi and is not labeled. (B) Three-color immunofluorescence analysis of thymic sections for CD25 (red), cytokeratin (green), and DAPI (blue). The immunofluorescence data presented (magnification, ×20) are representative of those for at least three mice from the different ShcA transgenic backgrounds and conditional knockout mice in experiments carried out in parallel and are representative of at least two independent experiments.