Fig. 3.
p53 status modifies the angiogenic response of tumors upon MYC inactivation. (A Left) p53 status does not affect the angiogenic response of tumor onset upon MYC activation. p53 wild-type (p53+), p53 negative (p53−) and p53 restored (p53− to +) transplanted tumors were examined by immunofluorescence for microvessel density (CD31) and TSP-1 expression (MYC on). (A Right) The loss of p53 decreases TSP-1 levels despite MYC inactivation. p53 wild-type (p53+), p53 negative and p53 restored (p53− to +) transplanted tumors were examined by immunofluorescence for microvessel density (CD31) and TSP-1 expression 6 days after MYC inactivation (MYC Off). Whereas there was no significant difference in the level of TUNEL reactivity, there were significantly more TUNEL-positive endothelial cells (white arrow) in p53 wild-type (p53+) and p53 restored (p53− to +) tumors as compared with p53 negative (p53−) tumors. Specificity of staining was ensured by immunostaining of serial tumor sections with isotype matched control antibodies. (B) Western blot analysis of p53 wild-type (p53+) and p53 negative (p53−) transplanted tumors were performed for TSP-1 expression upon MYC activation and 6 days after MYC inactivation. Densitometric analysis demonstrated significantly higher TSP-1 expression in p53 wild-type (p53+) tumor cells relative to β-actin as compared with p53 negative (p53−) tumor cells. (C) Quantification of microvessel density (MVD) per high power field (hpf) demonstrated significantly increased MVD/hpf in p53 negative (p53−) tumors 6 days after MYC inactivation as compared with p53 wild-type (p53+) tumors. At least five fields were counted in representative tumor sections, and at least two different transplanted tumors were analyzed. Values are represented as means ± standard deviation.