Table 1. Genes most correlated with ALLs carrying the t(4;11) aberration, compared to other ALLs.
No.* | Also scored as t(4;11)-specific† | GenBank accession no. | P value | Fold change | Confidence interval | |
Overexpressed in t(4;11) ALLs | ||||||
1 | √ | D16532 | VLDLR, very low density lipoprotein receptor | 0.000004 | 17.51 | (10.67-28.74) |
2 | √ | U85707 | MEIS1, myeloid ecotropic viral integration site 1 homolog (mouse) | 0.000004 | 14.50 | (7.64-27.51) |
3 | √ | AC004080 | HOXA10, homeo box A10 | 0.000022 | 10.80 | (6.17-18.90) |
4 | √ | AI535946 | LGALS1, lectin, galactoside-binding, soluble 1 (galectin 1) | 0.000024 | 23.00 | (8.82-59.98) |
5 | √ | M54992 | CD72 antigen | 0.000037 | 4.35 | (2.80-6.74) |
6 | √ | U41813 | HOXA9, homeo box A9 | 0.000041 | 20.12 | (7.22-56.09) |
7 | AF098641 | CD44, CD44 isoform (Indian blood group system) | 0.000056 | 4.43 | (2.65-7.41) | |
9 | √ | AA099265 | RECK, reversion-inducing-cystein-rich protein with kazal motifs | 0.000063 | 3.58 | (2.03-6.31) |
10 | √ | M14087 | HL14, β-galactoside-binding lectin | 0.000068 | 6.94 | (3.50-13.76) |
11 | √ | Z69030 | PPP2R5C, protein phosphatase 2, regulatory subunit B (B56), γ isoform | 0.000069 | 7.55 | (3.60-15.83) |
13 | D83767 | D8S2298E (reproduction 8) | 0.000086 | 3.16 | (2.01-4.97) | |
14 | AF016004 | GPM6B, glycoprotein M6B | 0.000095 | 13.06 | (5.98-28.53) | |
15 | X96753 | CSPG4, chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan 4 (melanoma-associated) | 0.000097 | 7.97 | (3.56-17.85) | |
16 | √ | D78177 | QPRT, quinolinate phosphoribosyltransferase | 0.000104 | 7.31 | (3.86-13.86) |
17 | √ | V00568 | MYC, v-myc myelocytomatosis viral oncogene homolog (avian) | 0.000126 | 5.93 | (2.68-13.12) |
18 | X61118 | LMO2, LIM domain only 2 (rhombotin-like 1) | 0.000126 | 3.85 | (2.05-7.22) | |
20 | √ | M58597 | FUT4, fucosyltransferase 4 [α-(1,3) fucosyltransferase, myeloid-specific] | 0.000187 | 3.52 | (2.17-5.71) |
Underexpressed | ||||||
131 | √ | U46922 | FHIT, fragile histidine triad | 0.000010 | -8.18 | (-5.16)-(-12.97) |
132 | √ | U70321 | TNFRSF14, tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily, member 14 | 0.000012 | -24.73 | (-12.05)-(-50.72) |
133 | √ | U01062 | ITPR3, inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate receptor type 3 | 0.000013 | -10.69 | (-6.49)-(-17.63) |
134 | √ | M16594 | GSTA2, glutathione S-transferase A2 | 0.000017 | -3.48 | (-2.27)-(-5.34) |
135 | √ | U03858 | FLT3LG, fms-related tyrosine kinase 3 ligand | 0.000024 | -2.24 | (-1.56)-(-3.20) |
136 | √ | AB007895 | KIAA0435 | 0.000037 | -4.38 | (-2.47)-(-7.77) |
137 | J05257 | DPEP1, dipeptidase 1 (renal); renal metabolism of glutathione | 0.000046 | -3.24 | (-2.07)-(-5.07) | |
138 | √ | X53586 | ITGA6, integrin α6 | 0.000056 | -15.57 | (-6.59)-(-36.79) |
139 | √ | J03600 | ALOX5, arachidonate 5-lipoxygenase | 0.000056 | -4.57 | (-2.63)-(-7.94) |
141 | √ | L34059 | CDH4, cadherin 4, type 1, R-cadherin (retinal) | 0.000069 | -6.89 | (-3.48)-(-13.64) |
142 | AF041434 | PTP4A3, protein tyrosine phosphatase type IVA, member 3 | 0.000085 | -4.11 | (-2.36)-(-7.18) | |
143 | √ | X76104 | DAPK1, death-associated protein kinase 1 | 0.000093 | -7.90 | (-3.94)-(-15.85) |
Gene numbers at the left match numbers in Table 3 and appear in the same order as in Fig. 1. Missing numbers (8, 12, 19, and 140) correspond to genes that were present more than once on the array and already appear in the table
Also included within the group of 43 (three genes appear twice) genes, associated with specific features of t(4;11) ALLs, in Fig. 2