Pulse of MMS induces the delay of the G1-to-S transition in elutriated G1 cells. (A) Small G1 cells were harvested by centrifugal elutriation in fresh YEPD media. Cultures of elutriated G1 cells of wild type (BY2006), rad53-11 (BY2390), swi6Δ (BY2917), and swi6Δ rad53-11 (BY3258) were pulse treated with 0.1% MMS for 15 min as specified in Materials and Methods, and mean cell volume was measured as a function of time after harvesting. (B and C) Percent budded cells in the cultures of the untreated and MMS-treated wild-type (BY2006) and rad53-11 (BY2390) strains with starting mean volumes of 18.3 and 19 fl, respectively (B), and in the cultures of the untreated and MMS-treated swi6Δ (BY2917) and swi6Δ rad53-11 (BY3258) strains of the starting volume 31 and 35.5 fl, respectively, were plotted against their mean volume (C). Boldface lines represent MMS-treated cultures. (D) A schematic summarizing the effects of MMS on cell volume and budding.