FIG. 6.
The CBP/p300-selective HAT inhibitor Lys-CoA inhibits Tax-activated transcription on chromatin templates. (A) Transcription reaction mixtures contained the chromatin-assembled p4TxRE-G-less template, CEM nuclear extract, and Tax/CREB, as indicated. Lys-CoA was added to the transcription reaction mixtures at final concentrations of 10 μM (+) and 50 μM (++), as indicated. Acetyl-CoA was added to a final concentration of 10 μM in all samples. The recovery standard and the position of the full-length G-less transcript are indicated. (B) Lys-CoA inhibits Tax-activated transcription in the presence of exogenous p300. Transcription reactions were performed as described in panel A, except in the presence of exogenous p300, as indicated. Lane 6 shows Tax/CREB-activated transcription in the absence of acetyl-CoA. (C) Lys-CoA does not inhibit Tax-activated transcription on naked DNA templates. Transcription reactions were performed on the unassembled p4TxRE-G-less template. Transcriptional activation was analyzed in the presence of Tax/CREB and 10 μM (+) or 50 μM (++) Lys-CoA, as indicated.