Proportion of EDNRB transcripts contributed by the LTRs. The relative abundance of chimeric EDNRB transcripts compared to overall mRNA levels of EDNRB is shown. Total cDNAs from various human tissues were subjected to real-time PCR with primers (primer positions are given in Fig. 1 and Materials and Methods) that amplified either all EDNRB transcripts or only those with a retroviral first exon (chimeric). Total EDNRB levels, normalized to GAPDH levels, are depicted by grey bars + standard deviations. The black portions represent the percentages (written above the bars) of overall EDNRB mRNAs that possess retroviral first exons. Values are plotted for tissues in which more than 1% of EDNRB mRNAs are chimeric. Skel. Msc, skeletal muscle; Mar, marrow; Fet, fetal; Mamm, mammary; Sp, spinal; Sm Intest, small intestine.