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. 2003 Jul;185(14):4074–4080. doi: 10.1128/JB.185.14.4074-4080.2003


Crystallographic data and refinement statistics

Parameter Value
PPAT:CoA data collection
    Resolution [Å] 1.78
    Total data 815,367
    Unique data 39,181
    Overall completeness 0.99
    Completeness (1.84-1.78 Å) 0.907
    F2 > 3σ(F2) [%] 0.76
    Rmergea (overall) 0.036
    Rmerge (1.84-1.78 Å) 0.257
    Avg F2/σ(F2) 41.5
Crystallographic refinement
    No. of reflections 39,134
Final model parameters
    No. of amino acid residues 315
    No. of protein atoms 2,481
    No. of solvent molecules 286
    No. of substrate (sulfate) molecules 2 (4)
    Resolution range [Å] 20-1.78
    R factorb overall 0.218
    R factor (1.89-1.78 Å) 0.302
    Rfreec overall 0.241
    Rfree (1.89-1.78 Å) 0.323
    Avg main chain B factor [Å2] 21.6
    Avg side chain B factor [Å2] 22.9
    Avg water molecule B factor [Å2] 35.7
    Avg ligand B factor (subunits A and B) [Å2] 42.2, 54.2
rms deviations from ideal geometry
    Covalent bond lengths [Å] 0.008
    Bond angles [°] 1.2

Inline graphic.


Inline graphic.


The free R factor is a cross-validation residual calculated by using 5% of the native data, which were randomly chosen and excluded from the refinement.