Figure 4.
WET368 GUS Expression in WET368 cuc Mutant Backgrounds.
(A) Heart-shaped cuc2 seedling. The inset shows a heart-shaped cotyledon with more extensive cotyledon fusion.
(B) Heart-shaped WET368 cuc2 seedling after 24 h of GUS staining.
(C) Magnification of section C in (B) containing the SAM and the nonfused boundary of the cotyledons.
(D) Magnification of section D in (B) containing the top of the one-sided fusion of the cotyledons.
(E) s-cuc seedling.
(F) f-cuc seedling.
(G) Split of a cuc1/cuc1 cuc2/cuc2 WET368/+ s-cuc seedling after 6 days of GUS staining.
(H) Flat rim of a cuc1/cuc1 cuc2/cuc2 WET368/WET368 f-cuc seedling after 6 days of GUS staining.
(I) cuc3-2 cup-shaped cotyledon seedling. The leaf at left originated from the SAM.
(J) Cup-shaped cotyledon seedling from the progeny of a cuc1/+ cuc3-2/+ plant.
Bars = 1 mm in (A), (B), (E), (F), (I), and (J) and 250 μm in (C), (D), (G), and (H).