Bolting and Flowering Time of atpirin1-1 and atpirin1-2 Plants in Long-Day Growth Conditions.
(A) At day 17, atpirin1-1 plants have longer bolts and start flowering, whereas the majority of wild-type Ws plants are just initiating bolting.
(B) Results are plotted as a percentage of plants in the wild-type Ws and atpirin1-1 heterozygous populations that flower on a particular day.
(C) Results are plotted as a percentage of plants in the wild-type Col and atpirin1-2 homozygous populations that flower on a particular day.
Flowering was scored when the first flower opened. Values presented in (B) and (C) are mean percentages of germination from three independent experimental replicates (each replicate included 25 to 40 plants per line) with standard errors. Number of days was counted from the day when planted seeds were shifted to long-day conditions after stratification. Heterozygous and homozygous mutants are indicated by +/− and −/−, respectively, next to the corresponding mutant genotype.