ush gene expression during Drosophila embryogenesis. (A–C) Lateral views of ush RNA in stage 5, 8, and 11 whole-mount embryos. (D and F) Ventral views of ush RNA in stage 11 and 16 whole-mount embryos. (E) Dorsal view of ush RNA in a stage 16 whole-mount embryo. (G and H) Cross sections of stage 11 embryos stained for ush RNA. (I) Cross section of a stage 11 embryo stained for pnr RNA. Abbreviations: am, anterior midgut primordium; as, amnioserosa primordium; cm, cardiogenic mesoderm; cns, central nervous system; de, dorsal ectoderm; fb, fat body precursors; hp, hemocyte primordium; ms, mesoderm; pm, posterior midgut primordium; vm, visceral mesoderm precursors.