Figure 6.
Acquisition of a truncated cellular gene by a member of MULE-I. (A) MULE-I (gi 2182289) shares 85% nucleotide similarity with the first two exons and first intron of the homeobox gene Athb-1 (gi 6016704). Conserved nucleotides are shaded in black, and positions on clones are indicated on the right of the alignment. Sequences for the first two exons are boxed. The first ATG is underlined, and an in-frame stop codon of the MULE-I ORF is double underlined. (B) Diagram illustrating the regions of nucleotide similarity (85%) between the MULE-I and the genomic sequence of Athb-1 (shaded in gray). Positions for the Athb-1 gene and MULE-I element on their respective clones are indicated. MULE-I TIRs are represented by black triangles, and the TSD sequences are indicated flanking both termini.