Summary of FC analysis of R1 plus R2 (lymphocytes) (A), R2 (blasting and proliferating cells) (B), R3 (granulocytes) (C), CD2+ cells (all thymocytes, T lymphocytes, and NK cells) (D), MHC-I+ cells (E), MHC-II+ cells (F), dendritic cells (G), and sIgM+ B lymphocytes (H) in peripheral blood with gates placed only on 1, 2, and 3 at time zero. Horses were fed daily both with 6 to 7 kg of Omolene feed, which had already been mixed with 0.05% Barodon F. Gold, and with an additional 60 ml of Barodon-biogenic feed containing 10% Barodon F. Gold (Tx-1; n = 6). Another group was fed only Omolene feed (Tx-2; n = 6), while a third group was fed only Barodon-biogenic feed (Tx-3; n = 6). The fourth group, an untreated control group, was fed general feed with no BARODON (Control; n = 6). Significant differences between control animals and animals treated with BARODON are as indicated in the figure (a, P < 0.01; b, 0.01 < P < 0.05). See Materials and Methods for details on the analysis of subsets by selective gating used to show the frequency of each cell population with gates placed on 1, 2, and 3.