Intracellular localization of endogenous arfophilin-2. (A) Antibodies
specific for arfophilin-2 were used to localize the endogenous protein in HeLa
cells (middle, red in merged images) and to compare its distribution with
marker proteins (left, green in merged images). Arfophilin-2 staining was
predominantly detected in a perinuclear region partially coincident with the
CI-MPR and βCOP but with little overlap with the TfR or RME-1. (B) Minor
arfophilin-2 staining (red in the merged images) in the centrosome region,
adjacent to γ-tubulin, and also in focal adhesions where it colocalized
with paxillin. Data are typical of eight experiments. Note that to reveal the
staining at focal adhesions, significantly increased laser power was used to
collect this image with respect to that shown in A.