Table 1.
Xylogenesis EST statistics and phrap assembly results for six pine cDNA libraries and the xylogenesis unigene set
Library | No. of ESTs | Average length, bp | No. of phrap contigs | No. of phrap singlets | Library or combined unigene set* | EST redundancy†, % | Contig redundancy‡ |
NXNV early | 8,490 | 312 | 1,387 | 3,982 | 5,369 | 53 | 3.3 |
NXCI bent | 9,333 | 311 | 1,670 | 2,580 | 4,250 | 72 | 4.0 |
NXSI side | 11,904 | 387 | 2,063 | 3,652 | 5,715 | 69 | 4.0 |
NXPV planings | 9,642 | 380 | 1,768 | 2,187 | 3,955 | 77 | 4.2 |
NXLV late | 10,244 | 345 | 1,216 | 4,320 | 5,536 | 58 | 4.9 |
NXRV root | 10,184 | 436 | 1,878 | 3,043 | 4,921 | 70 | 3.8 |
Combined | 59,797 | 364 | 8,070 | 12,307 | 20,377 | 79 | 5.9 |
Contigs + singlets
{[(No. of ESTs per library) - (no. of phrap singlets per library)]/(no. of ESTs per library)} × 100
[(No. of ESTs per library) - (no. of phrap singlets per library)]/(no. of phrap contigs per library)