Figure 4.
Overview of IntNetDB. A. The IntNetDB web interface. The default example is the network among human p53 (encoded by the TP53 gene) and its potential interaction partners. B. IntNetDB search results. For these query genes, the network graph view shows all predicted PPIs and the data types supporting each PPI, where '-' and '+' signs stand for 'absent' and 'present', respectively. A present call corresponds to LLR>0 for the data type shown. C. Visualization of the predicted PPI network. A hyperlink on the node and edge, when clicked, leads to more detailed information of the node or interaction (insets). D. Graphical representation of highly connected subgraphs. The subgraphs are extracted from the entire network by the MCODE algorithm. The two enlarged subgraphs correspond to the troponin-related complex and the proteasome complex. The color of an edge denotes the evidence type supporting the predicted PPI. 'Multiple evidences' are said to support a predicted interaction when more than one data type has LLR>1 (LR>2) for that edge. The color of a node is assigned according to the GO term of the gene.