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. 2002 Sep;4(5):449–463. doi: 10.1038/sj.neo.7900260
1. Concentrations
CV,ifB free BFA in vascular space of compartment i (mol cm-3)
CEV,ifB free BFA in extravascular space of compartment i (mol cm-3)
CV,ibB BFA bound to effector cell (EC) in vascular space of compartment i (mol cm-3)
CEV,ibB BFA bound to EC extravascular space of compartment i (mol cm-3)
CV,iEB EC-BFA complex in vascular space of compartment i (mol cm-3)
CEV,iEB EC-BFA complex in extravascular space of compartment i (mol cm-3)
CV,iagB BFA bound to antigen in vascular space of compartment i (mol cm-3)
CEV,iagB BFA bound to antigen in extravascular space of compartment i (mol cm-3)
CV,icEB captured EC-BFA complex in vascular space of compartment i (mol cm-3)
CV,iaEB arrested EC-BFA complex in vascular space of compartment i (mol cm-3)
CV,iagEB EC-BFA complex bound to antigen in vascular space of compartment i (mol cm-3)
CEV,iagEB lymphocyte-BFA complex bound to antigen in extravascular space of compartment i (mol cm-3)
CEV,inB nonspecifically bound BFA in vascular space of compartment i (mol cm-3)
CEV,inEB nonspecifically bound EC-BFA complex in extravascular space of compartment i (mol cm-3)
CV,itotal total concentration of cells in vascular space of compartment i (mol cm-3)
CEV,itotal total concentration of cells in extravascular space of compartment i (mol cm-3)
2. Kinetic Parameters
Kf,iCD association constant for binding between BFA and CD3 on EC in compartment i (cm3 mol-1 min-1)
Kr,iCD dissociation constant for binding between BFA and CD3 on EC in compartment i (min-1)
Kf,iag association constant for binding between BFA and antigen in compartment i (cm3 mol-1 min-1)
Kr,iag dissociation constant for binding between BFA and antigen in compartment i (min-1)
Kf,ic association constant for capture of EC-BFA complex in compartment i (cm3 mol-1 min-1)
Kr,ic dissociation constant for capture of EC-BFA complex in compartment i (min-1)
Kf,ia rate constant for arrest of EC-BFA complex in compartment i (min-1)
Kf,in association constant for nonspecific binding of BFA in compartment i (min-1)
Kr,in dissociation constant for nonspecific binding of BFA in compartment i (min-1)
EkidneyfB elimination rate constant for free BFA in kidney (cm3 min-1)
EicEB elimination rate constant for captured EC-BFA complex in compartment i (min-1)
EiaEB elimination rate constant for arrested EC-BFA complex in compartment i (min-1)
JiaEB transmigration rate constant for arrested EC-BFA complex in compartment i (min-1)
JifB transcapillary exchange rate of free BFA in compartment i (mol min-1)
JS,i transcapillary fluid flow rate through small pores in compartment i (cm3 min-1)
JL,i transcapillary fluid flow rate through large pores in compartment i (cm3 min-1)
JR,i fluid recirculation flow rate of compartment i (cm3 min-1)
P baseline production rate of EC in plasma (mol min-1)
3. Flow Rates
Qi blood flow into compartment i (cm3 min-1)
Li lymph flow out of compartment i (cm3 min-1)
Qhepatic blood flow into liver before the addition of blood flow from GI and spleen (cm3 min-1)
4. Volumes
VV,i vascular volume of compartment i (cm3)
VEV,i extravascular volume of compartment i (cm3)
5. Other Parameters
Fi fraction of EC-BFA complex in extravascular space of compartment i that recirculates
CD number of CD binding sites per cell (mol mol-1)
AV,i density of antigen binding sites in the vascular space of compartment i (mol cm-3)
AEV,i density of antigen binding sites in the extravascular space of compartment i (mol cm-3)
CV,i density of capture sites in the vascular space of compartment i (mol cm-3)
fCDV,i density of free CD3 sites in the vascular space of compartment i (mol cm-3)
fCDEV,i density of free CD3 sites in the extravascular space of compartment i (mol cm-3)
oCDV,i density of occupied CD3 sites in the vascular space of compartment i (mol cm-3)
oCDEV,i density of occupied CD3 sites in the extravascular space of compartment i (mol cm-3)
fCV,i density of free capture sites in the vascular space of compartment i (mol cm-3)
fAV,i density of free antigen sites in the vascular space of compartment i (mol cm-3)
fAEV,i density of free antigen sites in the extravascular space of compartment i (mol cm-3)
PeS,i Peclèt number for flow through small pores in compartment i
PeL,i Peclèt number for flow through large pores in compartment i
ki partition coefficient for free BFA between vascular and extra vascular space in compartment i
PS permeability-surface area product (cm3 min-1 g-1)