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. 2003 Jun 17;100(14):8188–8192. doi: 10.1073/pnas.0932787100

Table 1. Crystallographic data, structure solution, and refinement statistics.

DhaK-Dha complex Ta6Br14 KAu(CN)2 PIP* Apo-DhaK
Data collection
    Resolution, Å 1.75 (1.78-1.75) 2.45 (2.52-2.45) 2.45 (2.55-2.45) 2.45 (2.55-2.45) 2.0 (2.04-2.00)
    Unique reflections 78,957 29,777 27,533 30,483 51,496
    Redundancy 3.7 3.1 2.3 2.4 2.9
    Completeness, % 95.7 (97.5) 99.8 (99.3) 94.4 (90.4) 96.2 (93.6) 93.1 (60.6)
    I/σ (|) 19.4 21.3 23.4 21.6 23.7
    Rmerge, % 4.6 (17.2) 4.6 (7.4) 3.5 (6.4) 4.3 (7.9) 4.6 (10.0)
Structure solution
    Resolution range, Å 25.0-4.5 25.0-2.5 25.0-2.5
    Heavy-atom sites 6 5 4
    Phasing power (acentric/centric) 3.0/2.7 2.0/1.5 1.3/1.3
    RCullis (acentric/centric) 58.1/55.4 67.1/69.1 81.7/79.6
Refinement statistics
    Resolution range, Å 25.00-1.75 25.00-2.00
    Rfactor§/Rfree, % 17.15/20.1 18.9/23.8
    rmsd bond lengths, Å 0.012 0.018
    rmsd bond angles, ° 1.618 1.780
    No. of reflections 76,798 50,052
    No. of protein atoms 5,026 5,026
    No. of water molecules 508 485

rmsd, root-mean-square deviation from ideal geometry


PIP, Di-μ-iodobis(ethylenediamine) diplatinum (II)-nitrate

Numbers in parentheses refer to the indicated highest resolution shell

Rmerge = Inline graphic, where I(hkl; i) is the intensity of an individual measurement and <I(hkl)> is the average intensity from multiple observations


Rfactor = Inline graphic

Rfree = the R factor against 5% of the data removed prior to refinement