(A) Alignment of rat (R), mouse (M), and human (H) GIPN proteins.
Identical residues are shaded in black, and conserved residues are shaded in
gray; cysteine and histidine pairs are boxed. (B) The RING
finger-like domain of GIPN (amino acids 175–283) was aligned with the
RING finger of Rbx1(amino acids 42–97) and Mdm2 (amino acids
438–478). (C) GIPN is predicted to be an integral membrane
protein with a large RING finger-like cytoplasmic domain, a putative
transmembrane domain (amino acids 287–309), and a short (30-aa) C
terminus. The N terminus of GIPN (amino acids 1–110) contains several
dileucine motifs (LL-rich region).