Relaxation of braids by single Topo IV molecules. (A)
Representative single-enzyme traces are shown for the indicated tensions and
σbr = –0.05. (B) Processivity of unbraiding by
single Topo IV molecules. The burst sizes (b) from 31 experiments are plotted
as a cumulative histogram. Fitting of this histogram with a single exponential
(neglecting undersampled short burst sizes) yields a decay constant (β)
of 81 crossings. (C) Processive relaxation of a 44-kb (+) supercoiled
DNA. A representative single Topo IV molecule supercoil relaxation experiment
is shown for a DNA molecule (σ = +0.03) held at 0.7 pN. Seventy-five
crossings were relaxed in a single burst. (D) The effect of force on
the rate of Topo IV unbraiding. The rates of relaxation were determined over
each burst of activity and were fit to v(F) =
vo/[1 +
(black line), where v(F) is the reaction velocity at force
F, k is Boltzmann's constant, T is temperature, and
vo is the rate of the force-independent kinetic step. For
the force-dependent step, v1 and Δx are,
respectively, the unperturbed rate and the distance along the pulling axis to
the transition state. (vo = 2.5 catalytic cycles per sec,
v1 = 360 catalytic cycles per sec, and Δx =
4.3 nm.)