Fig. 8.
Suppression of tumor angiogenesis. Antiangiogenesis was determined by the Matrigel assay. Quantification of vessel growth and staining of endothelium was determined by fluorimetry or confocal microscopy, respectively, using FITC-labeled Isolectin B4. The line and arrows (a–e) indicate the inside borders of the Matrigel plug. Matrigel was implanted into mice vaccinated with empty vector (a), pUb (b), pUb-Fra-1 (c), pIL-18 (d), or pUb-Fra-1/pIL-18 (e). The average fluorescence of Matrigel plugs from each group of mice is depicted by the bar graphs (n = 4; mean + SD). Comparison of control groups (a and b) with treatment groups (d and e) indicated statistical significance (P < 0.05). (Magnification: ×200.)