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. 2003 Jul 1;100(15):9079–9084. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1331158100

Table 1. Minimal glossary of Gaulish translated into European languages.

Gaulish English Latin Classical Greek Old Irish Mod. Irish Mod. Scots Gaelic Mod. Welsh Mod. Breton Mod. French Mod. Occitan Mod. Italian Mod. Spanish Mod. Basque
Syntax: SV (a) SV (a) SV (a) SV (a) VS (b) VS (b) VS (b) VS (b) VS (b) SV (a) SV (a) SV (a) SV (a) SX (z)
-OS (a) ( (b) -us (a) - (a) Absent (b) Absent (b) Absent (b) Absent (b) Absent (b) Absent (b) Absent (b) -o (a) -o (a) -a (z)
-I (a) ( -s (b) -i (a) -ov (a) ICM, vowel change (c) ICM, vowel change (c) ICM, vowel change (c) Absent (d) Absent (d) Absent (d) Absent (d) Absent (d) Absent (d) -(r)en (z)
-V (a) ( (b) -o, -u (a) -ω (a) ICM, vowel change (c) Absent (b) Absent (b) Absent (b) Absent (b) Absent (b) Absent (b) Absent (b) Absent (b) -(r)entzat(ke) (z)
-A (a) ( (b) -a (a) -η, -α (a) ICM (c) ICM (c) ICM (c) ICM (c) ICM (c) -e (a) -a (a) -a (a) -a (a) -a (a)
-AS (a) ( -s (a) -ae (b) -ης, -ας (a) Vowel change (c) Vowel change/add. (c) Vowel change (c) Absent (d) Absent (d) Absent (d) Absent (d) Absent (d) Absent (d) -(r)en (z)
parapsidi>paraxidi (a) ps frequent (b) ps frequent (b) ps frequent (b) ps rare (a) ps rare (a) ps rare (a) ps rare (a) ps rare (a) ps rare (a) ps rare (a) ps rare (a) ps rare (a) ps rare (a)
TEUO- (a) to gods (b) deis (a) Θε∘ισι(ν) (a) do déib (a) do dhéithe (a) do dhiadhan (a) i dduwian (a) d'an Doueed (a) aux dieux (a) als dius (a) agli die (a) a los dioses (a) jainkoei (z)
-XTONION (a) and to men (b) et hominibus (c) και ανΘρωπ∘ισι(ν) (d) ocus do daínib (a) agus do dhaoine (a) agus do dhaoinean (a) ac i ddynion (a) ha d'an dud (a) et aux hommes (c) e als òmes (c) ed agli uomini (c) y a los hombres (c) eta gizakiei (z)
IEVRV, IOVRVS...(a) has offered (b) obtulit (b) διδ∘ναι,παρεχειν(c) ro ír (a) tá sé tar éis a íobairt (a) thairgse (d) mae e wedi cynnig (e) deus kinniget (e) a offert (b) a ofèrt (b) ha offerto (b) ha ofrecido (b) eman die (z)
-IKNOS (a) (patronymic suffix) son of (b) fil. + gen. (b) gen. (b) mac + gen. (b) (mac) + gen. (b) mac + gen. (b) ap/ab + name (b) mab + name (b) fils de + name (b) filh de + name (b) (b) (b) (b)
TARVOS (a) bull (b) taurus (a) τανρ∘ς (a) tarb (a) tarbh (a) tarbh (a) tarw (a) tarv (a) taureau (a) taure/taur (a) toro (a) toro (a) zezen (z)
TRI- (a) three- (a) tri- (a) τρι- (a) trí- (a) trí- (a) tri- (a) tri- (a) tri- (a) tri- (a) tri- (a) tri- (a) tri- (a) hiru- (z)
GARANVS (a) crane (a) grus (a) γεραν∘ς (a) corr (a) corr mhóna (a) absent (b) garan, crychedd (a,c) garan (a) grue (a) grua (a) gru (a) grulla (a) kurrilo (a)
Tuθos (a) oven (b) furnus (c) ιπν∘ς (d) sorn (e) sorn (e) abhan (b) ffwrn (c) forn (c) four (c) forn (c) forno (c) horno (c) labea (z)
LUXTODOS (a) loaded (a) oneratus (b) γεμιστ∘ς (c) lán (a) lán (a) lionta (a) llawn (a) karget (d) chargé (d) cargat (d) carico (d) cargado (d) beteta (z)
SUMMA UXSEDIA (a) grand total (b) summa summarum (c) πας αριΘμ∘ς (d) Not determined an t-iomlán (e) cunntas (f) cyfanswm (g) absent (h) total général (i) en tot (j) importo totale (k) total (j) guztira (z)
ETI (a) thing as well as thing (b) item (c) και (d) ocus (e) agus (e) agus (e) a/ac (e) ha/hag (e) et (a) e (a) e (a) y (f) eta (a)
DUCI (a) person and person (b) et (c) και (d) ocus (e) agus (e) agus (e) a/ac (e) ha/hag (e) et (c) e (c) e (c) y (f) eta (c)
...DUCI... TONI... (a) person (and), p. and p. (b) p. et p. et p. (c) p. και p. και p. (d) p. ocus p. ocus p. (e) p., p. agus p. (e) p. agus p. agus p. (e) p., p. a/ac p. (e) p., p. ha/hag p. (e) p., p. et p. (c) p., p. e p. (c) p., p e p. (c) p., p. y p. (f) p., eta p eta p. (c)
AVVOT, etc. (a) has made (b) fecit (c) π∘ιειν, δραν (d) do-rigni (e) dhein sé, rinne sé (e) rinn (e) mae e wedi gwneud (f) deus graet (g) a fait (c) a fach (c) ha fatto (c) ha hecho (h) egin du (z)
CINTUX (a) first (b) primus (c) πρωτ∘ς (c) cétnae (a) céad- (a) ceud (a) cyntaf (a) kentan (a) premier (c) primièr (c) primo (c) primero (c) lehenengoa (z)
ALLOS (a) second (b) secundus (b) δεντερ∘ς (c) tánaise/aile (a) dara (d) darna (d) ail (a) eil (a) seconde (b) segond (b) secondo (b) segundo (b) bigarrena (z)
TR[] (a) third (a) tertius (a) τριτ∘ς (a) triss (a) tríú (a) treas (a) trydydd (a) trede (a) troisième (a) tresen (a) terzo (a) tercero (a) hirugarrena (z)
PETUAR[] (a) fourth (b) quartus (c) τεταρτ∘ς (d) cethramad (c) ceathrú (c) ceithreamh (c) pedwerydd (a) pevare (a) quatrième (c) quatren (c) quarto (c) cuarto (c) laugarrena (z)
PINPETOS (a) fifth (b) quintus (c) πεμπτ∘ς (a) cóiced (c) cúigiú (c) coigeamh (c) pumed (a) pempvet (a) cinquième (c/d) cinquen (c/d) quinto (c) quinto (c) bostgarrena (z)
SUEXOS (a) sixth (a) sextus (a) εκτ∘ς (a) seissed (a) séú (a) siathamh (a) chweched (a) c'hwec'hvet (a) sixième (a) seisen (a) sesto (a) sexto (a) seigarrena (a)
SEXTAMETOS (a) seventh (a) septimus (a) εβδ∘μ∘ς (a) sechtmad (a) seachtú (a) seachdamh (a) seithfed (a) seizhvet (a) septième (a) seten (a) sèttimo (a) septimo (a) zazpigarrena (z)
OXTUMETO[] (a) eighth (a) octauius (a) ∘γδ∘∘ς (a) ochtmad (a) ochtú (a) ochdamh (a) wythfed (a) eizhvet (a) huitième (a) ochen (a) ottavo (a) octavo (a) zortzigarrena (z)
NAMET[] (a) ninth (a) nonius (a) ενατ∘ς (a) nómad (a) naoú (a) naoidheamh (a) nawfed (a) navet (a) neuvième (a) noven (a) nono (a) noveno (a) bederatzigarrena (z)
DECAMETOS (a) tenth (b) decimus (a) δεκατ∘ς (a) dechmad (a) deichiú (a) deicheamh (a) degfed (a) dekvet (a) dixième (a) desen (a) dècimo (a) décimo (a) hamargarrena (z)
M, MID (a) month (a) mensis (a) μην (a) mí (a) mí (a) mios (a) mis (a) miz (a) mois (a) mes (a) mese (a) mes (a) hilea (z)
LAT (a) day (b) dies (b) ημερα (c) laithe (a) lá (a) latha (a) dydd (b) deiz (b) jour (d) jorn, (dia) (d,b) giorno (d) día (b) eguna (z)
MATIR (a) mother (a) mater (a) μητηρ (a) máthair (a) máthair (a) màthair (a) mam (b) mamm (b) mère (a) maire (a) madre (a) madre (a) ama (b)
DUXTIR (a) daughter (a) filia (b) Θυγατηρ(a) ingen (c) iníon (c) nighean (c) merch (d) merc'h (d) fille (b) filha (b) figlia (b) hija (e) alaba (z)