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. 2006 Nov 22;6:150. doi: 10.1186/1472-6963-6-150

Table 2.

Significant variables in the logistic regression predicting a psychiatric admission on the basis of the analysed total population.

Variable Beta S.E. Wald df p-value OR Cl (95%)
Suicidality 2.470 0.213 134.66 1 0.000 11.81 7.78–17.93
Diagnosis of dementia 0.672 0.316 4.51 1 0.034 1.95 1.05–3.63
Female sex 0.252 0.116 4.72 1 0.030 1.28 1.02–1.61
Two diagnostic measures 0.513 0.239 4.61 1 0.032 1.67 1.04–2.66
One consultation 0.476 0.156 9.35 1 0.02 1.61 1.18–2.185
Two consultations 1.281 0.300 18.22 1 0.000 3.60 2.00–6.485
Care order in force 0.528 0.224 5.54 1 0.019 1.69 1.09–2.633
Referral by a doctor 0.809 0.221 13.37 1 0.000 2.24 1.45–3.462
Medication in the emergency department 1.094 0.217 25.43 1 0.000 2.98 1.95–4.566
Patient reffered by a consultant 1.273 0.158 65.17 1 0.000 3.57 2.62–4.863

-2 Log likelihood 1904.547, Cox & Snell R Square 0.387, Nagelkerke R Square 0.520