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. 2005 May 18;2(3):197–221. doi: 10.1098/rsif.2005.0036

Table 1.

List of symbols.

Symbol Explanation
a n Fourier series cosine coefficient
A constant system matrix in LTI model
b n Fourier series sine coefficient
c n Fourier sine series coefficient
g gravitational acceleration
h number of harmonics in Fourier series
I yy pitching moment of inertia about y-axis
m body mass
M pitching moment about y-axis
n counting index
p vector giving the coordinates of a point in state space
p p-value in statistical tests
P vector of system parameters
P(t) periodic function
Pˆ(t) discrete periodic function
q rotational velocity about y-axis (pitch rate)
t vector giving tangent direction to a curve in state space
t time
T wing beat period
u translational velocity component in x-direction
U wind tunnel speed
U ref reference tunnel speed (3.50 m s−1)
w velocity in z-direction
x state vector
X vector of total forces due to locust
Xα(t) vector function of change in instantaneous forces with α
Xref(t) vector function of instantaneous forces in reference condition
XU(t) vector function of change in instantaneous forces with U
X force component in x-direction
Z force component in z-direction
α body angle of x-axis to oncoming flow
α ref reference body angle (7°)
ϕ n phase angle
Φ(t) phase function
Φ phase vector
θ pitch attitude
ω angular frequency of wing beat
Common subscripts and superscripts
e¯ value of a system state at quasi-static equilibrium
i counting index
n counting index
q partial derivative with respect to q
Ref variable or function under reference conditions
T vector transposition
u partial derivative with respect to u
U partial derivative with respect to U
w partial derivative with respect to w
0 value of a state variable at time t=0
α partial derivative with respect to α
overbar quasi-static value of a term