Figure 4. Depolarization induced the increase in the [Ca2+]i and the secretory activity in newborn and adult melanotrophs.
A, changes in [Ca2+]i were triggered by a train of 50 depolarization pulses (40 ms) from −80 mV to 10 mV and 100 ms interval (B) measured with fura-6F. The [Ca2+]i increased rapidly, reached a plateau at the concentration of several micromolar after 3 s of stimulation and decreased to the resting value after the end of stimulation. Note similar time profile of [Ca2+]i in newborn (red trace) and adult melanotrophs (black trace). C, normalized cumulative membrane capacitance change to the resting membrane capacitance (norm. ΔCm) did not tightly follow the changes in [Ca2+]i. Norm. ΔCm increased slower than [Ca2+]i, and persisted despite [Ca2+]i reaching the maximum. After the end of the stimulation, melanotrophs reached their Cm peak values followed by slow endocytosis for several tens of seconds to reach the steady state level.