Figure 2. Position matching errors after eccentric exercise.
Forearm position matching errors for one subject with their reference arm unsupported. Forearm angles were expressed in degrees above the horizontal, which was assigned 0 deg. Three test angles were used, 30, 60 and 90 deg. The differences in positions of reference and indicator arms were given in degrees. When matching errors were in the direction of flexion, they were given a positive value, when they were in the direction of extension they were negative. Dashed line and open symbols, reference arm unexercised; continuous line and filled symbols, reference arm exercised. Zero error is indicated by the dotted line. Errors were measured before a period of eccentric exercise, immediately afterwards (0 h) and at 24, 48, 72 and 96 h. All values are means (± s.e.m.) across 5 trials and 3 angles. Asterisks indicate values significantly different from control.