A, the slow-down of the EPSCNMDA decay rate on a spike-to-spike basis. Upper traces: EPSCNMDA evoked by a single pulse (traces a and b), 2 pulses (traces c and d) and 7 pulses (traces e and f) of 200 Hz stimulation, recorded in control solution (traces a, c and e) and in the presence of ifenprodil (traces b, d and f). Holding voltage was +50 mV. Lower traces: corresponding traces normalized and superimposed. B, the charge transferred by control EPSCNMDA and the ifenprodil-sensitive component EPSCNMDA (QControl – QIfenprodil) evoked by a progressively increasing number of pulses (from 1 to 7) in the train (200 Hz). The value obtained for EPSCsingleNMDA measured in control is taken as 100%. C, the contribution of the ifenprodil-sensitive component to the EPSCNMDA as a function of stimulation pulse number (from 1 to 7), 200Hz train (calculated as ).