Figure 2.
Δ6-12 oat phyA is active but not hyperactive in the VLFR of hypocotyl growth and cotyledon unfolding in etiolated Arabidopsis. A, Immunochemically detectable levels of oat phyA in 4-d-old etiolated transgenic seedlings of Arabidopsis. B, One-day-old seedlings of the WT or expressing similar levels of either FL or Δ6-12 oat phyA were exposed for 3 d to hourly R/FR pulses (3 min) predicted to establish the indicated Pfr/P. C, Representative seedlings grown under hourly FR pulses (Pfr/P = 10%). D, Seedlings of independent transgenic lines expressing different levels of FL or Δ6-12 oat phyA (expressed relative to the levels shown in A) were exposed to hourly pulses of FR as in B, and the VLFR was calculated as the difference between hypocotyl length in darkness (1.00) and under hourly FR. Data are means and se of six (B) or five (D) replicate boxes.