Figure 1. Development of the slowly activating outward current in IHCs.
Membrane currents were recorded from apical IHCs at different developmental stages. Currents were elicited by 4 s depolarizing voltage steps in 10 mV nominal increments from −104 mV starting from the holding potential of −84 mV. Actual test potentials reached are shown by some of the traces. The arrows point to the slowly activating component, at two different membrane potentials. Note the different scales used for the current size. In this and in the following figures current recordings are single traces. E18.5: Cm 6.8 pF; Rs 1.4 MΩ; gleak 1.8 nS. P3: Cm 8.1 pF; Rs 1.8 MΩ; gleak 1.8 nS. P9: Cm 10.5 pF; Rs 1.1 MΩ; gleak 1.0 nS. P17: Cm 9.3 pF; Rs 0.8 MΩ; gleak 4.0 nS. All recordings were obtained at body temperature.