Figure 1. Compilation of indices of pubertal maturation recorded in immature female rats chronically i.c.v. injected with 1 nmol KiSS-1 peptide or vehicle.
Dates of vaginal opening (expressed as a percentage of total number of animals per experimental group) are shown in the left panels. Administration of 1 nmol KiSS-1 every 12 h between 26 and 31 days postpartum induced vaginal opening in ∼75% of females at the age of 31 days, an age-point when none of the animals injected with vehicle presented canalization of the vagina (inset). Data on body and uterus weights, as well as serum LH and oestradiol (OE2) levels, in vehicle- and KiSS-1-injected animals are shown in the right panels. Values are the mean ±s.e.m. of at least 15 independent determinations per group. **P < 0.01 versus vehicle-injected group (Student's unpaired t test).