A, contractions of 2 week sham-operated and 2 week decentralized arteries to 60 mm K+ in the presence of α-adrenoceptor antagonists (10 nm prazosin + 0.1 μm idazoxan). B–D, comparison of responses to 60 mm K+ in (B) 2 day control (n = 6) and decentralized (n = 7) arteries, (C) 2 week control (n = 7) and decentralized (n = 7) arteries, and (D) 7 week control (n = 7) and decentralized (n = 10) arteries. Data are presented as median and interquartile range, and statistical differences are indicated (**P < 0.01). In comparison with the arteries from control animals, the 2 week and 7 week decentralized arteries had larger responses to 60 mm K+. In addition, on washout, the decay of the K+-evoked contraction was much slower in 2 week decentralized arteries (see A).