A (top traces), superimposed records (n = 51) of spikes of two or three interneurones locked to MLR stimuli during fictive locomotion; the traces were collected during the extension phase and aligned to the MLR stimulation indicated by the dashed vertical line. A (bottom traces), discharges recorded in the LGS peripheral nerve. B, three averaged intracellular records of potentials evoked in a SmAB motoneurone: disynaptic EPSPs evoked by Pl group I afferents (n = 25, continuous line) preceded by MLR stimuli by 1–10 ms (see text); disynaptic EPSPs evoked by the same stimuli (n = 187, dashed line) which were not preceded by MLR stimulation; EPSPs evoked by MLR stimulation alone without peripheral nerve stimulation (n = 17, dotted line). C, as in B but for EPSPs evoked by selective activation of group Ia triceps surae and Pl afferents by muscle stretch. Calibration pulse, 2 mV, 2 ms.