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. 2005 Jan 13;563(Pt 2):345–358. doi: 10.1113/jphysiol.2004.080028

Figure 3. Steady-state NR1/NR2B currents in outside-out patches.

Figure 3

A, steady-state recording of a patch with a single NR1/NR2B channel displayed on two different time scales shows bursting behaviour (Vm =−100 mV, digitized at 40 kHz, filtered at 5 kHz). The box in the top trace highlights the region shown in detail in the bottom trace. B, the shut-time duration histogram of the same patch as in A shows multiple exponential components, with longer time constants reflecting recovery from desensitization. The time constants are given in the inset with the percentage area for each component in parentheses. C, the distribution of shut durations pooled from six patches following a brief jump into saturating glutamate (see Figure 1) is plotted for comparison with the steady-state data in B.