Characterization of wild-type and PHYA-V631M stability under R and FR light. A, phyA levels in 3-d-old dark (D) and FR light-grown wild-type Columbia (WT) and phyA-300D, and in 3-d-old dark-grown seedlings exposed to Rc for 1 or 4 h (hr; top). The immunoblots were probed with a phyA-specific polyclonal antibody. An equal amount of total protein was loaded in each lane, as verified by CSN5 immunoblot (bottom). B, phyA levels in 3-d-old dark-grown (D) wild-type Columbia (WT), and phyA-300D seedlings and in 3-d-old dark-grown seedlings exposed to FRc light for 1, 4, or 24 h (hr). An equal amount of total protein was loaded in each lane, as verified by immunoblot using anti-tubulin antibodies (bottom).