Figure 4.
Phenotypes of transgenic tomato plants. A, WT tomato flower at anthesis showing yellow petals and yellow stamens. B, WT flower at 3 DPA with fused stamens. C, Antisense transgenic flower at anthesis showing bigger sepals, green petals, and green stamens forming a loose cone. D, Transgenic flower displaying dialytic stamens. E, Ectopic shoot emerging from the fruit. F, Poorly developed ectopic shoot. G, Ectopic shoot produced flowers and leaf-like struc- tures. H, Ectopic flowers reiterated the development of the primary flower. I, Ectopic shoot showing successive generations (1–4) of ectopic flowers. el, Ectopic leaf; es, ectopic shoot; fr, fruit;. p, petals, se, sepals, st, stamens. Bars = 2 mm.