Figure 5.
Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) photographs of floral and leaf tissues of WT and transgenic plants. A, Abaxial surface of WT petal. B, Abaxial surface of transgenic petal showing stomata (sm). C, Abaxial surface of WT stamen. D, Abaxial surface of transgenic stamen. E, Lateral hairs on WT stamens are tightly interweaved. F, Lateral hairs on transgenic stamens showing poor interweaving. G, WT flower showing hairless ovary. H, Transgenic ovary covered with hairs. I, Epidermal surface of WT ovary. J, Epidermal surface of transgenic ovary showing stomata, glandular, and non-glandular hairs. K, SEM of WT leaflet. L, SEM of ectopic leaf of a transgenic plant. M, Abaxial surface of WT leaflet. N, Abaxial surface of ectopic leaf. O, Adaxial surface of WT leaflet. P, Adaxial surface of ectopic leaf. ov, ovary; pe, petal; se, sepal; st, stamen, sm, stoma(ta). Bars in A through F, I, J, and M through P = 50 μm; in K and L, bars = 0.5 mm.