Phylogenetic tree and sequence alignments of the E2-C proteins. A, Phylogenetic tree performed with the Clustal program including all Arabidopsis E2s and the E2s from other organisms belonging to the E2-C class. Branch lengths are proportional to phylogenic distances. B, Alignment of the Arabidopsis UBC19 and UBC20 amino acid sequences with those of human UbcH10, mouse UbcH10, Xenopus sp. UBCx, goldfish E2-C, clam E2-C, Brewer's yeast Ubc11p, and fission yeast UbcP4. Multiple sequence alignment was performed with ClustalW (1.81) program. The N-terminal extension domains and the active Cys residues are boxed. The localization of the Dbox sequences is indicated. Asterisks and dots indicate identical and conserved amino acids, respectively. UBC19 and UBC20 nucleotide and amino acid sequences have been submitted to the EMBL/GenBank sequence libraries under accession numbers AY127573 and AY127574, respectively.