Figure 5.
The abundance of AGPase SSUs in endosperms of different ages. Three replicate extracts of endosperms from grains 12, 17, or 21 d after anthesis (DAA) were subjected to SDS-PAGE on 7.5% (w/v) gels and were then immunoblotted and probed with Bt2 antiserum at a concentration of 1/5,000 as described in “Materials and Methods.” The average grain weights were 10.8 mg (12 DAA), 18.9 mg (17 DAA), and 43.3 mg (21 DAA). Each track contains proteins from an equivalent proportion of an endosperm. C, Cytosolic small subunit; P, plastidial small subunit. Proteins of unknown identity that were smaller than the SSUs also cross-reacted with the antiserum (not shown).