Figure 7.
Transient expression of AtAMT2-GFP in Arabidopsis leaf epidermal cells. The images shown are representative of numerous transformed cells. Images show chlorophyll fluorescence (red), GFP fluorescence (green), or both. A through C, Epidermal cell expressing RbcS-GFP. A, Chlorophyll fluorescence. B, GFP fluorescence. C, Overlap of both channels, with yellow indicating coincidence of GFP and chlorophyll. D, Overlay of chlorophyll and the GFP fluorescence of an epidermal cell expressing cox-GFP. E, Epidermal cell expressing mGFP5 (Haseloff et al., 1997), which is targeted to the ER. F, Cell expressing GFP without a leader sequence, which distributes between cytoplasm and nucleus. G, Epidermal cell expressing AMT2-GFP. GFP fluorescence can be observed on the border of the cell and on the nuclear envelope.