Figure 1.
Schematic representation of the construct used for plant transformation. Relevant EcoRI sites used for the molecular analysis are indicated. LB, Left border; RB, right border; 35SP, 35ST, CaMV 35S promoter and terminator, respectively; EnTPase, En immobile transposase source; ILtir, IRtir, I-element left and right terminal-inverted repeat, respectively; 4 Enh., tetramer of the CaMV 35S enhancer; Pnos, Tnos, promoter and terminator sequences from the nopaline synthase gene, respectively; SSU5′, SSU3′, promoter and transit signal peptide to the chloroplast and terminator of the small subunit of Rubisco gene, respectively. The gene specific probes (BAR and SSU3′) used for blot hybridization are indicated as bars above or below the figure.