(A) Escape latencies of rats during a 4-day water maze training. (B) Changes in amounts of pp60c-src in the hippocampal synaptosomes after training. The upper image shows representative immunoblotting results, and the bar graph below indicates quantified results from three sample pools (n = 3; *, P < 0.001). S1 and S24, swimming controls sampled at 1 and 24 h after swimming; T1 and T24, trained rats sampled at 1 and 24 h after training tasks. (C) Representative images showing training-induced changes in c-src mRNA expression. SW Cntl, swimming controls; WMT, water maze trained. (D) Representative images for c-src mRNA signals in the CA1 and CA3 pyramidal cells revealed by emulsion autoradiography. In each condition, the CA1 and CA3 images were from the same brain slice obtained at 24 h after 1-day training.