Figure 1.
Comparison of CBF amino acid sequences from Arabidopsis, rice, and barley. Amino acids are designated in single-letter code. An asterisk indicates identical, a colon indicates closely related, and a period indicates somewhat related amino acid. Dashes indicate where a sequence has been expanded to optimize alignment. The NLS is in boldface and the AP2-DNA binding domain is boxed. Alignments were performed using Clustal W. A, Arabidopsis CBF1/DREB1B and rice OsCBF1. B, Arabidopsis CBF3/DREB1A versus barley HvCBF3. C, Restriction map of a fragment of bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) clone 790P15 carrying HvCbf3. The white box indicates the location of the HvCbf3 gene. Restriction enzyme sites are: B, BamHI; H, HindIII; S, SalI; and Sc, SacI.