Figure 5.
Effects of TIBA and light on PAO activity levels in the outer tissues of the mature zone of the maize mesocotyl. Etiolated plants were sprayed with TIBA (ranging from 0.0l μm to 1 mm) every 12 h starting from T0 (96 h after soaking). Light irradiation was performed for 10 min under white light (18,000 lux) immediately after T1 time. P values have been calculated comparing PAO activity in control and TIBA-treated plants for each time and for each light condition. ns, Not significant; *, * *, and * * *, P values ≤ 0.05, 0.01, and 0.001, respectively (the nos. above the bars represent actual P values). A, Extractable PAO activity levels (mean values ± sd; n = 3) expressed on a fresh weight basis after treatments with TIBA at different concentrations (plants were sampled at T2). B, PAO activity levels (mean values ± sd; n = 3) expressed on a fresh weight basis in control, 10 μm TIBA-, 0.01 μm TIBA-, and 10 μm NAA-treated plants. T1, Twelve hours of dark; T2-D, 36 h of dark; T2-L, 12 h of dark +10-min light irradiation + 23 h 50 min of dark.