Fig. 2.
Luciferase enzyme activity assays. A. In-vitro translation reactions were performed for each extract and luciferase activity assays performed for rabbit reticulocyte lysates, wheat germ extracts, and N. crassa extracts. A dual luciferase (LUC) reporter assay system was used to measure firefly LUC and Renilla LUC (internal control) for constructs pCS701–704. All firefly LUC values were normalized to the internal control. The level of normalized firefly LUC expression from multiple independent experiments (two experiments using N. crassa, four experiments using wheat germ and reticulocyte lysates) with each construct were averaged and normalized to the expression from pCS702, and the standard deviations calculated for experiments using wheat germ and reticulocyte lysate (error bars). B. Luciferase enzyme activity obtained from RNA transfection into HeLa cells as describe in Experimental Procedures using RNA from constructs pCS701–704.