Site of T-DNA insertion (uvh6-2) within the UVH6/AtXPD gene. The
position of the insert was confirmed by DNA sequencing, as described in
“Materials and Methods.” This site is shown with respect to the
UVH6/AtXPD genomic DNA, and the UVH6/AtXPD DNA sequence
adjacent to the left border (LB) is shown. The UVH6/AtXPD gene is
depicted with exons (thick lines) and introns (thin lines). Positions of the
primers (UVH6-F, UVH6-R, LB3, and LB3D) used for PCR reactions and DNA
sequencing are indicated. For results shown in
Table I, primers UVH6-F and
UVH6-R (gene specific) were used to detect wild-type alleles; primers UVH6-R
and LB3 (Ga-3 experiment) or LB3D (Ga-2 experiment) were used to detect
T-DNA-inserted alleles.