Phylogenetic Analysis of 26 LINE Reverse Transcriptase Sequences.
Sequences analyzed were from fruit fly I element, frog Tx1, fruit fly R2Dm, mouse L1Md, human LINE-1, rice Karma, lily del2, maize cin4, Arabidopsis Ta11-1, Cannabis LINE-CS, green alga ZEPP, trypanosome CRE2, mosquito Juan-A, silkworm BMC1, fruit fly TART-1, fruit fly JockeyDm, fruit fly JockeyDf, chicken CR1, mosquito Q, trypanosome L1Tc, pufferfish Maui, rice blast fungus MGL, fungi Tad1-1, mosquito Lian, silkworm R1Bm, and fruit fly R1Dm. The L1 clade is indicated. Phylogeny was constructed using the neighbor-joining algorithm from distance matrices according to Kimura's two-parameter method (Kimura, 1983). Branch lengths are proportional to genetic distance. Bootstrap values are indicated as a percentage of 1000 replicates.