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. 2003 Aug;77(16):9099–9105. doi: 10.1128/JVI.77.16.9099-9105.2003

FIG. 1.

FIG. 1.

Phylogenetic tree resulting from analysis of selected 426-bp fragments of herpesvirus DNA polymerase gene (primers QAHNA and GDTD1B) (26), which is available for all viruses. The phylogeny was derived by the neighbor-joining method applied to pairwise sequence distances calculated by the Kimura two-parameter method (transition-to-transversion ratio set at 2). Horizontal branch lengths are drawn to scale, with the bar indicating 0.1 nucleotide replacements per site. Numbers at each node indicate the percentage of bootstrap samples (out of 100) in which the cluster to the right is supported. Brackets on the right indicate previously defined subfamily and genus herpesviral classification. Previously published sequences included and their accession numbers are as follows: HSV1 (X04771); HSV2 (M16321); VZV (X04370); EBV (V01555); HCMV (M14709); HHV6A (X83413); HHV7 (U43400); KSHV (U75698, U93872 and AF005477); H. saimiri HVS (M31122); HVA3 (AF083424); ChRV1 (AJ251573); ChRV2 (AJ251574); RFHVMn (AF005478); RFHVMm (AF005479); RRV/17577 (AF083501); RRV/H26-95 (AF029302); MneRV2 (AF204167); Macaca gamma virus strains from Macaca mulatta (AF159033), Macaca fascicularis (AF159032), and Macaca nemestrina (AF159031), called here MGVMm, MGVMf and MGVMn, respectively; PanRHV1a (AF250879 and AF250880); PanRHV1b(AF250881 and AF250882); PanRHV2 (AF346490); GorRHV1 (AF250886); MndRHV1 (AF282943); MndRHV2 (AF282937 to AF282940); Cercopithecine hv15 (AY037858); CalHV-3 (AF319782); MndHVβ (AF282942); PRV (L24487); BHV1 (Z78205); EHV1 (M86664); GHV2 (L40431); MCMV (U68299); RhCMV (AF0033184); MndCMV (AF282941); baboon CMV (AF27664); vervet CMV (AY049066); Cercopithecine hv3 (AY049065); chimpanzee CMV (AF480884); cebus CMV (AF292067); S. sciureus CMV (AF292065); MHV68 (U97553); BHV4 (AF031811); EHV2 (U20824); BLHV (AF031808); AHV1 (AF005370); and OHV2 (AF031812).