Figure 7. ITTs and GTTs.
(A and B) Male 5-month-old WT and KO mice were fasted overnight for 20 hours prior to i.p. injection (10 ml/kg) of insulin (0.5 U/kg) in PBS or PBS alone, and blood glucose (A) and serum FFA (B) levels were measured at the indicated times. Glucose concentrations (A) are reported relative to those at time 0. Basal glucose values in WT and KO mice were 70 ± 3 and 66 ± 3 mg/dl, respectively. Data (mean ± SEM; n = 6 mice per group) were similar in 8 (A) and 2 (B) other experiments. (C and D) Male 9-month-old WT and KO mice were fasted overnight, with free access to water. At the indicated times after i.p. injections (10 ml/kg) of PBS alone or of glucose (2 g/kg) in PBS, blood glucose (C) and serum insulin (D) levels were quantified. Data (mean ± SEM; n = 6 mice per group) were similar in 2 other experiments. *P < 0.05; **P < 0.01.